Endless possibilities — I think that’s what words stand for. They can thrill us, soothe us, brighten our days, make us think, feel, and even help us change our minds. Words can take us to the opposite side of the world in a fraction of a second. They can make us notice a familiar phenomenon in a new kind of light, or the other way around.
I write articles, scripts, copy and all kinds of engaging content in its many different forms.
Writing articles
How to capture a story behind a phenomenon or paint a portrait of a person in words?
Here are some longer stories I’ve written:
Että voisi elää häristä (A feature story about a young bullfighter, in Finnish)
85+1 (A magazine feature about an Argentine tragedy, in Finnish)
A biography for Riikka Hyvönen, a visual artist (In English)
Kuka kapseloisi sieluni? (An essay about digital immortality, in Finnish)
Copywriting & content production
Combining communications goals with creative writing, I’ve written copy and content in Finnish and English for various companies and organisations.
Editing & writing together
Together writers can reach heights they wouldn't be able to reach alone. I’ve edited hundreds of articles — science and culture themes mostly — and helped experts and thinkers in different fields to express their messages with clarity and depth.
Scriptwriting & audiovisual works
From illuminating podcasts to complex interplay of voices, sound design and music, auditive works open whole new dimensions for expressing what we want to say.
Here are some audio and audiovisual works I’ve produced with talented colleagues:
’Avoin kysymys’ — audiobook by Olli Seuri (Production work for a new kind of audiobook combining narration, sound design, music and archive materials with interviews and dramatised scenes, in Finnish)
’Bombus hypnorum’ — document (Scriptwriting, interviews and production for a documentary about a special concert, raising awareness about the importance of biodiversity through a multidimensional story of a bumblebee, in English and Finnish)
Writing & conceptual thinking
I also design concepts and create content, according to the plan.
Some worlds of their own I’ve been building:
Hello world open 2014 (Communications lead for the coding championships, In English)
Groteski magazine (Making a publication as an editor-in-chief, In Finnish)
Tanssin talo: Tanssia aivoissa — neliosainen äänimatka (Concept, scriptwriting and production for ’Dance on brain’ podcast, a sound journey in four parts)